Friday 29 November 2013

Research for our Thriller

The Departed

Set in Boston, the Departed is about the state police force waging war on Irish-American organized crime, much like in our thriller where we have the police tracking the criminals working for Silk Road. This influenced the implication in our Thriller that the police have been onto the man in charge for a while.

We're the Millers

‘We’re the Millers’ isn’t a thriller but a comedy about smuggling Marihuana, a concept that is close to our idea. This film influenced the use of a comedic and farcical touch in our thriller. It also made us want to have a slight sense of the drug distributors looking unexpectedly 'normal'.


Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz is a hilarious parody of police crime thrillers. This film inspired us to have police as a prominent feature in our thriller with an action scene. This also made us want to do something comical involving the police in our thriller.

The Business


THE BUSINESS is an action packed gangster flick set in Spain's sun drenched Costa Del crime. Charlie, a young man, soon becomes one of the gang, and finds himself drawn into a flamboyant and violent world of organized crime. This inspired the idea of having a young gawky assistant in our thriller. The film also inspired our idea of having the don of the gang wearing a smart suit and the non-diegetic voice-over about his dream of a luxury lifestyle.

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