Monday 30 December 2013

Props for our Thriller

Boxes - We need lots of boxes for the men to carry and for the set of the warehouse. We could get these from a removal warehouse. 

Guns - We need guns for the police to be carrying and for the boss (Ted) to have strapped to him. We could get these from school or order them off the internet.

Walkie Talkies - We will need Walkie Talkies to contribute to the Police Officers costumes. We can get these from the drama department at school or order them off the internet.

Scales - Scales are important for the warehouse, this makes the setting much more realistic and believable. We would need to order these off amazon.
Baggies - Plastic sealable bags that drugs are carried in, this is important for the set to make it believable. We would be able to order these in bulk off the internet.

Fake Money and Elastic Bands - Money would be a typical object found in this sort of warehouse therefore money would be very important to have, and lots of it. We could order this off the internet or just photocopy lots of money to use. We would also need lots of elastic bands to put the money into rolls. Elastic bands would also be doted round the warehouse helping to set the scene.

Passports/ Forms of Identification - Passports will be hard to get hold of so we will need to borrow the passports from other children in the school.

Cigarettes - Cigarettes will fit into the vibe of the warehouse, they could be in the pockets of the men or left on tables. We would have to buy these ourselves.

Cheap Phones - Cheap phones are typical of criminals and insinuate to the audience that the criminals know exactly what they are doing. We would have to buy these cheaply on the internet or from a shop.

Gloves - We will need the men to be wearing gloves whilst moving the boxes, black leather looking gloves would be ideal. This shows the audience that they men know what they are doing. We would most likely borrow these from a student or member of staff.

These props link clearly to the thriller genre. They are often associated with crime/ criminal activity. This will clearly show a link for our audience, making it easy for them to make the connection with a thriller. Our props used also provide strong connotations of drug use and drug dealing and therefore we can tell the story using the props rather than the dialogue which would be uninteresting for the audience.

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