Sunday 12 January 2014

Costumes and Props Added

For the police, we decided to have 2 florescent jackets and 1 black jacket among the 'action' police and two dark jumpers for the 'car' police to create a hierarchy within this social group. The black jacket would distinguish the most dangerous and highly trained police officer and the yellow jackets would indicate slightly less intimidating officers. However, yellow and black are colours which usually symbolise danger so this coordination of colours will hopefully help to create tension.

The two younger members of the criminal gang will be wearing coats. It'll be cold on the day of filming so it's important but they will also help to create a sense of mystery. One of them will be wearing a hat, distinguishing him as the younger and trendier member which we will find annoys the boss.

Car wise, rather than use a white van we will be using a Land Rover for the criminals as we think it would give them a little more character and would make the scene more interesting. The police car will be a BMW since it is easier for us to obtain.

Rather than simply have boxes of illegal items in the container, we have drug production on a table in order to have more happening in the scene. This would heighten the criminal element in our thriller to further relate it to the crime thriller genre. Here are some pictures of some of the items we might have in our thriller:

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