Crime thriller
Focusing on crime, this genre is usually from
the criminal's point of view where they try to escape the police. There is
usually more emotional depth here than in action thrillers.
Psychological thriller
Made particularly famous by Alfred Hitchcock, this subgenre a lot of
the conflict is mental, rather than physical. The protagonist has become
involved in a dangerous situation which literally threatens their sanity. They
must use mental prowess to overcome their opponent, whether the battle is
inside their own head or it a battle of wits.
Comedy thriller
Usually a thriller that mocks politics or other prominent features of society. Or can be a parody of other thrillers.
Tends to focus more on the action rather than
the narrative, depth of characters. Generally touch on mostly superficial
issues, such as sex rather than love or violence rather than personal issues.
Conspiracy Thriller
In this subgenre the protagonist must confront a
large, powerful organization whose threat only he sees. Usually he must do so
Disaster Thriller
In this subgenre a (usually) natural disaster is
taking place, and the antagonist is either trying to stop the disaster, the
extent of the disaster, or just save themselves before time runs out and the
disaster has run its course.
Mystery Thriller
This is a subgenre of both mysteries and
thrillers. It differs from a regular mystery by being much more fast-paced,
with the protagonist on the run and the threat of another crime serving as the
“ticking clock.”
Romantic Thriller
This is a subgenre of both thrillers and romantic novels. The plot line follows a typical thriller’s tension, suspense, and excitement, but a main element is the growing relationship between two characters.
Spy Thriller
It’s hard to call this a genre mash-up when spy
novels almost have to be thrillers. At any rate, this subgenre focuses on the
high adventures of field agents. It is usually set against the backdrop of some
Supernatural Thriller
In this subgenre otherworldy elements are
introduced, usually as an antagonistic force, but just as in the romantic
thriller, the plot line and feel or distinctly that of thrillers. Some
characters may have psychic abilities and other supernatural novel elements may
be present.
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