Wednesday 5 March 2014

Who would distribute my product?

The top choices for any film maker would be Warner Bros. or Fox. However, for our thriller, this would obviously be aiming too high seeing as the production value is so low. The budget of our film was next to nothing so our film will lack heavy duty special effects, exotic locations, famous actors and famous director. They will never have heard of us as we are first time film makers which would make them particularly careful about choosing our thriller. Since it is essentially aimed at a Niche audience, Warner Bros. would know that the film lacked synergistic value and would not be shown at multiplex cinemas and therefore would not make them a large profit.

In order to save time and money, we would aim for a British rather than an American production company as we think our thriller would be more popular in Britain anyway due to the English accents, the English countryside and of course our beloved police force that we like to 'take the mickey' out of so much. Due to our limited budget, we would initially promote it by talking about it with some friends of our age who are most likely to watch it. We would put the trailer and a few clips on Youtube in order to spark an interest, and we would put it on Itunes and Vimeo (charging for it) to increase our budget. We would also create a Facebook page for it in order for more people to hear of it, to make it easier to show friends, and to make people take it as seriously as possible as a good film. We would send links of opening of the film via social networks (e.g. Facebook, MySpace) in order to get as many views as possible on Youtube and therefore increase its popularity. For the distribution of the film, we looked at production companies such as Warp, Vertigo, Film4, BBC and Momentum Picture.

We decided ultimately to go for Vertigo Films. They have released films like The Sweeney, which is about London cops with action scenes. Sweeney has rather high production values but Vertigo have also released films such as Spring Breakers, which is quite a low budget film despite having some very well known actors. As Vertigo have expressed an interest in crime thrillers like The Sweeney and in low budget films like Spring Breakers, hopefully they would see the potential in our film for an exhilarating and at times comical crime thriller. If the movie became a success, they could make action figures out of some of the characters for fans.

distribution in the UK is quite difficult as We would try and get funding from the National Lottery and from private investors.
To promote our film on a larger scale, we would aim to try and get it shown at a film festival, such as the Raindance Film Festival in London. This would hopefully attract an audience with an interest in crime thrillers and police pursuits (mainly males between the ages of 15 and 30) as well as secondary audiences (females of the same age range and older males). We would first try and get some free screenings done of the film at as many multiplex cinemas as possible while placing posters in public places.

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